Сведения о конфиденциальности

Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.


Password Commander has no built-in functions that can contact us without your knowledge or send any information to us without your knowledge. Password Commander has Check for Update functionality that can be used to check if there is a new version of the program available. This function is fully manual, so it is used only if you invoke this menu command manually. During update checking the program will open a new web browser window that sends name of the program, major, minor and build numbers to our server. No personal information is transferred, including your name, serial number etc. Programs never contact our server directly, but open your default web browser to establish connection and display result.

Web site

We do not collect any personal information from web site visitors and do not install cookies on user’s machines.

The sites linked from this Website are not under Atis Company control, and Atis Company does not assume any responsibility or liability for any communications or materials available at such linked sites. Atis Company does not intend links on this Website to be referrals or endorsements of the linked entities and are provided for convenience only.


To buy our software you should register with our online registrator providing him with your personal information. All our online orders are processed via Regnow (http://regnow.com/) or ShareIt (http://www.shareit.com/) . Their Privacy Statement is available on their sites. In our own customer database we store only your name, e-mail (that will never be shared, selled or given away) address and order details, but not your address, credit card number and phone number.

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